Hello! I am Yi, from China and currently studying in Singapore. I am a 18 years old girl who likes HanFu, reading and tea. Different from my all my friends, I don't like K-pop and korean drama.
HanFu is one of my intersts and I would like to share with you guys. I got to know about HanFu at the age of 16, when I first saw the photographs taken by this photographer named DangXiaoShi. She promotes the idea of wearing HanFu to travel around the world and alone the way, she took pictures. I was ammased by her photos when I first saw the photos, and since then, I started to do more research about HanFu. Now, I'm part of the HanFu society and get to meet a lot of new friends who also like China culture and HanFu.
This is a picture taken by DangXiaoShi

I have a great interest in the China culture such as calligraphy, HanFu etc. I hope to promote HanFu through this webpage because as time passes, people tend to forget about these cultures as they are adapted to the new things. Thus, I hope to promote HanFu through is webpage so that more people are able to know better about China’s traditional costumes and if amyone is interested in purchasing any HanFu, please feel free to contact me.
HanFu was founded during the emperor period and it ended in the 17 centuries. Throughout these period, the dynasties changes and HanFu also changes along the way. Different dynasties have different HanFu styles as the fashion trend is changing from one dynasty to another. Personally, I like the HanFus from ‘WeiJin and North-South Dynasty’ which started at the year of (Before the Common Era)220 and ended at 589.
The picture below is the HanFu from 'WeiJin and North-South Dynasty'

When we wear different dynasty’s HanFu , the make-up that we put is also different. For example, the way they draw their lipstick and for girls, the hair styles can also be changed accordingly. In the past, what we used to tie our hair is called as 'FaDai' and 'FaZan'. 'FaDai' is a ribbon that is around 1 meter long that people in the past used to tie their hair.

Normally, a proper set of HanFu will have 3 to 4 layers of top clothes. The set of HanFu which I wear has 3 layers. The names are ‘XiaoYi’(小衣), ‘ZhongYi’(中衣)and ‘Dayi’(大衣),the name of this layers are according to the sequence that how people wear them.